Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Design of the Gunma Museum of Modern Art

Gunma Museum of Modern Art The Gunma Museum of Modern art is located in the Gunma Prefecture in Japan. The building of the museum took 3 old ages from 1971 to 1974. [ one ] Arata Isozaki ( born 1931 ) was chosen to explicate the architectural designs of the Gunma Museum. [ two ] The museum is recognized as one of his most impressive signifiers of architecture and summarizes many of Isozaki ‘s architectural ideas every bit good as his accomplishments. Even today twenty old ages after its construct, it still holds an of import significance every bit far as Isozaki ‘s architectural point of view and take on conceptual every bit good as modernistic architecture. The beginnings of conceptual art are said to hold originated with Marcelle Duchamp, the â€Å"Father of Conceptual Art† . [ three ] Duchamp ‘s work had a immense impact on and influenced Isozaki. It was against this background, and the munition of 1960 ‘s conceptual art that Isozaki ‘s drama on dematerialization was manifested through the creative activity of the gunma museum. In add-on to dematerialization, the marked architecture has a great accent on regular hexahedrons for the conceptual model of the museum. Isozaki placed himself in the same comparative postion. With respect to the function of the object in conventional art as American conceptual creative persons had done in the late sixtiess. [ four ] Artists sought to make off with the object and cut down it to a simple dematerialized geometric entity. His subsequent infatuation with grid surfaces would look to hold been inspired by the superstudio group ( who began there activities in Firenze in December 1966 ) and sol lewitts minimalist sculptures, but it was an avenue which increased instead than lessened the dematerialization of his signifier. Isozaki made it clear at the beginning that it was his purpose to avoid all historical mentions and connexions with anterior designers. He has said in an interview, †i was believing much more conceptually compared to richard meier ‘s bronz developmental centre in new York, I was believing how to destruct the traditional sense of tradition and balance- those proprotions based on the humanistic system of the aureate mean from Greece, and the kiwari†the Japanese modular system† for wood constructions. Le corbusier developed proportions related to the Greek aureate subdivision and kenzo Tange trid to unite the kawari traditional proportions with the fibonnaci series to do proportions like lupus erythematosus corbusier. I wish to get away from these traditional systems of proportion. My purpose was to contradict any significances originating from the surface any connexion with alvar Aalto and gunnar aspeld were post- design.† > Herein lies the significance of the cosmopolitan grid. Its intent was to heighten the dematerialization of signifier and deny the material nature of the artefact. Dematerialization became a major concern of conceptual creative persons in the late sixtiess every bit merely in importance by the accent proccess ; what it amounted to was the purpose to do architecture as unsubstantial, unseeable, and missing weight as the mental constructs from which the signifiers sprang. This gives the visual aspect that the > museum rests lightly on the green plane of lawn in Gunma-no-mori Park. The edifice was non tethered to the Earth, and the square frame of each regular hexahedron that goes across the underside is indistinguishable to the side and top members. There was no differentiation in footings of proportion between top, bottom and sides ; there was no up or down, no narrowing of the square in acknowledgment of the anisotropy of infinite to get by with the weight of the edifice mass. The aluminum-covered regular hexahedrons appear to be weightless, drifting every bit light as helium-filled balloons. > The exterior of his concrete three-dimensional model with glistening trecherous surfaces realised by the medium of brooding aluminium home bases. In taking regular hexahedrons and take a firm standing that the strengthened concrete construction have the same dimensions throughout and the beams and columns the same subdivision, Isozaki ignored gravitation. †¦an abstract neoplatonic system that is unconnected with the demands of gravitation pure shapes like the regular hexahedron therefore connote a gravity-free environment such as outer infinite where stuffs have no weight. The suggestion of lightness was strengthened by covering the surface of the edifice and concealing the construction of columns and beams under a tight tegument of 2 millimeters thick aluminium panels, composed of indistinguishable square units. This unvarying square grid is expressed limitless extension in resistance to the three-dimensional frame whose function was to specify the museum. Buildings are of class made from heavy stuffs such as concrete, steel and glass, and are hence capable to a much greater extent than picture and sculpture to the pull of gravitation. Engineers have developed optimum subdivisions, beams that are deeper than they are broad to defy flexing minutes, columns that are square or unit of ammunition to defy the different types of compaction tonss, and frames designed to do the most economic usage of stuff. > The museums three-dimensional thesis had it roots in the earlier Oita Prefectural library and nakayama house of 1964 and it late resurfaced in the New oita prefectural library ( 1994 ) . Subsequent designs have elaborated parts of the original gunma museum strategy giving prominence to some facets at the disbursal of others. Thus the quickest and most thorough debut to Isozaki ‘s architecture is a visit to the Gunma museum. Page 22 The Gunma Museum is non symmetrical, but it looks as though it should be. It is uncomplete as it stands. From left to compensate it consists of four parts, two of which are indistinguishable A, B, C: . To finish the bilateral symmetricalness all that is needed is to add two more parts, A, B, C: C, and ( B, A ) to it. Mentally, we are prompted to provide the mirror or impudent image. The presence of ‘C’ – an indistinguishable row of regular hexahedrons on the right side, equilibrating the left side of the symmetricalness axis, strengthens the given of bilateral symmetricalness. Page 23 Isozaki violated its implied bilateral symmetricalness and this induces an air of instability. Symmetry signifies well-proportioned, well-balanced, and it denotes a harmony of the several parts. Beauty is normally associated with symmetricalness and the grasp of form. This was ignored with the add-on of a regular hexahedron to the chief entryway facade. Alternatively of finishing the bilaterally symmetricalness Isozaki broke it. There were purely practical grounds for this – the most obvious was the propinquity of Masato Otaka’s 1979 Gunma Prefactural Museum of History 15 m off. Page 20The auditorium is located on the first floor opposite the chief step. The chief step is enclosed on two sides by walls faced in reflecting marble in between which is an unpolished cardinal strip of unthinking rock that is somewhat narrower than the step. The step rises through the spread between two rows of 12 m regular hexahedrons sandwiched between the entryway hall and disposal that ploughs its manner though the museum. The breadth of the step is hard to gauge because it is reflected in the polished marble walls on either side, giving the semblance that it extends boundlessly. * Exterior Design Page 17 On the exterior, the Museum of Modern Art was stripped back so that small else remained besides the grid and sleek mirror-like sheath of square aluminium panels. The erasure of anything which might add significance was deliberate. Although the museum is deliberately impersonal and its construction assimilated within the annoyer aluminium tegument, it is non passive- instead, it urges us to oppugn what is the nature of architecture by coercing architecture on this juncture to interrogate itself. The usage of the frame as a metaphor for a museum devoted to modern art is extremely implicative in these footings. First, it detaches the museum from the landscape and limits it, proclaiming it to be a kingdom set aside from the mundane while labeling it a topographic point specifically devoted to the art experience, at the same clip that it designates it a semisynthetic infinite. It creates a new focal point in order to direct attending to the art. In Japan the frame acts as a gesture which draws the audience into its drama of semblance and, conversely, it is a agency of taking the interior into the landscape. Isozaki conceived his basic three-dimensional model as a impersonal spacial entity for plants of art, with the model puting the plants apart from the environing park. Yet it besides draws the park equivocally indoors, while stressing that the act of sing a work of art is a specialised aesthetic act in that it places the work in a new unnaturally delimited context. > Peoples tend to reject any absence of intending – where there is nil they frequently invent something in its topographic point. The more empty and blank an object is, the more it draws in intending from outside itself. The shimmering immateriality of Isozaki’s museum, its general emptiness and the upseting feeling of non-existence which emanates from it, challenges the person to add something of his ain. Ultimately we, as users and viewing audiences, provide the message and imbue objects with significance. Isozaki hence magnified the frame in its function as a device for specifying the infinite of a picture to the point that it included the museum. By extension, the museum can be seen as a cultural frame of art. Like the frame around a work of art, the museum alerts the visitant to the presence of art by extinguishing anything that might distance the person or decrease the familiarity of that experience. P13-14- & A ; gt ; isozaki was therefore runing on two degrees ; utilizing a basic construction compromised of the gunma museums three-dimensional model to modulate the infinite additively giving rise to the primary signifier. At the same clip, he deployed secondary ancillary or auxiliary constructions within the basic tructure to make multiple beds and such things as sculpturer aiko miyawaki ‘s stepped tokonoma-like object at the far terminal of the entryway today is no longer tied to one topographic point, instead it is transported around the Earth traveling from one exhibition site to another. Once art is removed from its original context and placed inside a museum, and so migrates signifier museum to museum, it loses its connexion with a specific clip and topographic point. Paintings and sculptures arrive in crates complete with their ain frames and bases and small else. the art museum might so, seem every bit little more than a big container and recepticle, for ha ving displaying, and sing progressively nomadic plants of art. Isozaki decided that the gunma museum should run mostly as an enveloping model with no explicit or associatory iconography of its ain. He reasoned back since its chief map was to expose plants of art, the museum was a phase, and, as such, it needed the equivalent of a apron arch to border the work of art in the same manner the apron arch frames the phase play in theatre in the West or the phase of a Japanese noh theater. A three-dimensional model enveloping infinite in 3 dimensions hence seemed a suited metaphor for the art museum. Squares balance the co-ordinates. Because the sides of a square are equal, no dimension is overriding and this produces an consequence of hush and repose instead than dynamic instability.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“Letter from a Birmingham Jail” Dr. Martin Luther

In his â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail† Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. challenges the preconceived notions of his fellow clergymen and argues that â€Å"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.†Ã‚   (King, 1963). Dr. King had been chastised by a number of clergy in Birmingham as an outside agitator stirring up trouble in their city. Early on, he explained his idea that no citizen of the United States can be considered an agitator when protesting or acting with regard to something else happening with the country’s borders. Furthermore, King argues that what happens in Birmingham affects Atlanta and Washington, D.C. and New York City.   In many ways, he was arguing the idea of globalization and world conscious long before they became buzz words and the way of the world. King argued that as a member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference he had no option other than to fight for social justice throughout the South.After justifying himself to t he other clergy, King explains why the demonstrations for which he was arrested are taking place in Birmingham.   In gentle rebuke, he points out that the clergymen have condemned the conditions that resulted because of the protest but have never taken time to rebuke the conditions that required the demonstrations take place. â€Å"Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States. Its ugly record of brutality is widely known. Negroes have experienced grossly unjust treatment in the courts. There have been more unsolved bombings of Negro homes and churches in Birmingham than in any other city in the nation. These are the hard, brutal facts of the case, â€Å"King wrote (King 1963).Despite those conditions, leaders within the African American community approached city leaders attempting to find a path to social justice via the law.   They were humored and strung along by the establishment, but never did the city try to make any good faith effort to try to change the conditions. And, at the time of King’s letter, being born an African American in Alabama in general and Birmingham in particular virtually guaranteed a lack of rights.   â€Å"Then, last September, came the opportunity to talk with leaders of Birmingham's economic community. In the course of the negotiations, certain promises were made by the merchants — for example, to remove the stores humiliating racial signs. On the basis of these promises, the Reverend Fred Shuttles worth and the leaders of the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights agreed to a moratorium on all demonstrations. As the weeks and months went by, we realized that we were the victims of a broken promise. A few signs, briefly removed, returned; the others remained.† (King, 1963).The signs were the overt racism inherent in Birmingham, but the roots in the region went much deeper. African Americans were consistently denied the right to vote, sometimes to the point that in counties where the majority of the population was black, not a single African American was registered to vote. King argues clearly that these maneuvers to hold people back from racial equality were often being done within the confines of the law and that was a problem in and of it.He   further argues that taking direct action will spur the community toward negotiation and an effort to change. â€Å"Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored.† (King, 1963)   If no action is taken, King agues, then the status quo does not change. People are not prompted to change, or even to negotiate for improvement if there is no impetus for their effort.â€Å"The purpose of our direct-action program is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiatio n. I therefore concur with you in your call for negotiation. Too long has our beloved South land been bogged down in a tragic effort to live in monologue rather than dialogue.† (King, 1963). It is important to note that throughout his call to action, King reiterates that the direct actions should be non-violent designed to make people uncomfortable and disrupt daily routines, not aggressive or threatening.He answers complaints that the protest came too soon after a city election for the newly elected government to have any impact on the old ways. The problem with waiting for someone to take action is that you are always waiting and nothing changes.   â€Å"The only answer that I can give to this query is that the new Birmingham administration must be prodded about as much as the outgoing one, before it will act. We are sadly mistaken if we feel that the election of Albert Boutwell as mayor. will bring the millennium to Birmingham.While Mr. Boutwell is a much more gentle per son than Mr. Connor, they are both segregationists, dedicated to maintenance of the status quo. (King, 1963). King points to the emerging nations of the world, able to fight for their freedom from colonial oppressors and get it, and then remarks at the â€Å"horse and buggy† pace the United States is making within her own borders to promote equality (King, 1963). â€Å"Perhaps it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging dark of segregation to say, â€Å"Wait.†(King, 1963)†He justifies his actions in terms of the law. This is perhaps the most powerful of King’s arguments outside the â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. It sets the tone for his later work and justifies the Civil Rights Movement in one fell swoop.   â€Å"Since we so diligently urge people to obey the Supreme Court's decision of 1954 outlawing segregation in the public schools, at first glance it may seem rather paradoxical for us consciously to break laws.One may won ask: †Å"How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?† The answer lies in the fact that there fire two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the Brat to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that â€Å"an unjust law is no law at all† (King, 1963).In this short passage, King makes an eloquent and accurate plea for civil disobedience and encourages people to take the action needed to make a difference with regard to changing the law.   His argument is that sometimes the law is simply so unjust that if a person does not take radical action to change the law, he is supporting injustice.The idea that a law could be justly applied but be inherently unjust was illogical, he argued. â€Å"An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make b inding on itself. This is difference made legal. By the same token, a just law is a code that a majority compels a minority to follow and that it is willing to follow itself. This is sameness made legal.† (King, 1963).He further argues that the type of civil disobedience he is recommending was first practiced in biblical times by Shadrach and his compatriots when they faced the lion’s den rather than renouncing their faith. He then goes on to chastise the church leadership for their inaction and lack of support for the African American community. â€Å"Let me take note of my other major disappointment. I have been so greatly disappointed with the white church and its leadership.† (King, 1963).   He argues that the church should in supporting core Christian values work toward the development of equality for all people and that in failing to do so they have ignored their Christian duty.King’s letter was intended as an answer to critics, a reply to those wh o did not understand the reality of the Southern African American and the way that they were being discriminated against.   Instead, it served as an outline for social justice and for achieving equality. By detailing how and why people of color and white Americans should stand together to fight for equality, he took the effort for equality out of the streets and back alleys to the headlines.His definitions regarding an unjust law made the difference philosophically and religiously for many people. Many people who had previously considered themselves good people suddenly found that they could no longer hide behind the legality of the situation. Instead, King forced them to take the issue of equality to heart and think of it from their conscious and not just from the law. They were no longer able to argue that it was okay by the law so that must make it right. King found the right words to explain that equality was everyone’s responsibility and that unless people were willing to work for justice, no one would have it.Thesis: In his â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail† Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. challenges the preconceived notions of his fellow clergymen and argues that â€Å"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.†Ã‚   (King, 1963Outline:â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†I.      Summary and historical contextII.    Why Birmingham?a.    Worst racism in the Southb.    Negotiation failedc.   New leadership might mean an opportunity for change.III. Why direct action?a. Civil disobedience draws attentionb. Unjust laws should not be obeyedc. Christian history of actionIV.   ConclusionKing’s letter was intended as an answer to critics, a reply to those who did not understand the reality of the Southern African American and the way that they were being discriminated against.   Instead, it served as an outline for social justice and for achieving equality.

Monday, July 29, 2019

(Personal Recruitment)choose employee interview Essay

(Personal Recruitment)choose employee interview - Essay Example inal hiring decisions, tracking applicant flow, managing employment support staff and developing strategies for filling future employment opportunities that arise. Moreover, references from Harvard showed that she maintained an A average throughout school, which demonstrates her intellectual prowess, which in turn means that she would be very good at making decisions, tracking, managing staff and developing strategies for future requirements. Her references from Salient stated: â€Å"Jada is a no nonsense type of employee who always gets the job done. She hires quality employees who tend to perform well once employed.† This further establishes that she would be able to select talented and productive candidates for a fast growing bio-tech company that receives many federal government contracts. Salient’s references go on to say that â€Å"She is not especially popular among her fellow co-workers and seems to think she is smarter than everyone else. She is out-spoken to superiors, peers and subordinates and seems to intimidate others. Jada was recently passed over for a promotion and has threatened to file a discrimination suit against us.† Although, this may sound alarming at once, but if one reflects on Jada’s background it is easy to understand. As an African American (black), Jada most probably had to fight at every step of the way to accomplish her current position. Even, today it is not easy for an African American to make it to Harvard, and Jada most probably not only had the brains but also the brawn to make it in an institution and culture dominated by the white population. Hence, it is not surprising that her stance is rather aggressive and she behaves overconfidently with her peers and superiors, but as long as this does not affect her and the organization’s work negatively, this should not be a problem. And Salient, clearly states that she is very efficient and lets nothing get in the way of her duty; this is most reassuring and even her

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Reflection - Essay Example In essence, it is about grasping, the text, poem or idea from the bible and trying to make good meaning of the word as contained in the text. What makes the book even more valuable is the fact that the authors gave attention to both the word, as well as the sentences as they are presented in the paragraphs. As if not enough, the book outlines the practical challenges uncounted in interpreting, as well as applying the bible teachings. It talks about grasping from the very practical, literal sense of the hands-on and of the practical know-how. Through this, the book provides training on how to correctly interpret and handle God’s word. On the overall, the book is spiritually enriching given that its focus is on grasping the word of God. Through learning how to interpret the word of God, one would be able to get the very correct meaning of the biblical teaching as put down by scriptural scholars and it is through this that he/she would understanding God, as well as oneself. Certa inly, there are various concepts and skills the book equipped me with. As outlined in the above text, the skill of interpreting the bible is quite outstanding. The authors emphasized on the word to word, sentence to sentence, as well as paragraph to paragraph. For instance, in part 4 and part 5, the book talks about the interpretive journey New Testament and the interpretive journey Old Testament. ... It is worth noting, in this case, that the key purpose of this book is to help serious believer including college students learn how to read, interpret, and apply the word of God. Moreover, the distinction between the Old and the New Testament has been clearly been outlined in this book, and how the two merge in so far as the message contained in the two chapters is concerned. The outstanding concepts, on the other hand, includes the concept behind various version of the bible, the way of reading bible following sentence to sentence, the discourses, following paragraphs, the holy spirit concept, application concept, the biblical historical concept and other many concepts. Certainly, the various skills and concepts as attained in this class are quite meaningful to me. I would make use of these skills and concepts in enriching my personal life alongside other people in the society. Through the skill of interpretation and reading the bible, I was able to understand well how to interpret the bible and thus have enabled me to make a personal decision in moving closer to God given the right interpretation. I will use this skill to help most serious believers to get to understand the bible well. Other skills are also of paramount importance as far as their applicability is concerned. The concept behind the Holy Spirit and the word of God is also quite informative. The historical, biblical concepts would boost my understanding about the word of God and applying the many concepts shall enable me provide the right information about the word of God to those I interact with. There are various concepts, as well as skills I look forward to study and practice. Key among them is the concept behind the Gospels, the revelation, the narratives used, the laws, the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

GAAP versus IFRS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

GAAP versus IFRS - Research Paper Example IFRS stands for International Financial Reporting Standards. It includes the accounting standards proposed by International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and International Accounting Standards (IAS). IFRS is becoming the international standard for the preparation of financial statements especially of public corporations (Haris, 2013). Now the question is why corporations are conversion new standards of IFRS from GAAP? There are some benefits which IFRS is offering to corporations. Some of the benefits are as follow: According to Julie (2013), IFRS enable corporations to present its financial statements on the same basis as its international competitors are adopting, it makes the comparison easier. To facilitate more accurate comparisons to foreign competitors, some U.S. companies may view IFRS as an opportunity to supplement their current reporting with reporting or commentary based on IFRS. Most of the U.S. Corporation’s glance at new markets therefore they have to take on with IFRS in order to secure licenses, raise capital, or comply with requirements of local regulators. Overseas clients, merchants, or lessors might too involve IFRS financial statements. IFRS is beneficial for the firm who want to raise the capital abroad or it is most beneficial for the corporations who have international investors. Corporations having subsidiaries in countries require having IFRS in order to use one accounting language company-wide. Haris (2013) stated that the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is using in more than 110 countries. Majority of the countries among these 110 countries are developed. So IFRs must have some key distinction from the U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) which are as follow: IFRS is more of a principle based accounting standards where as GAAP has more rule based accounting standards. Principle based accounting standard has the capability to effectively corresponds and detain the economic

Friday, July 26, 2019

Brand management for Rolex (a case of study) Essay

Brand management for Rolex (a case of study) - Essay Example The case study will explain the brand management strategy developed by Rolex in the international market. Rolex has followed certain branding strategies to maintain its good image in the international market and enhanced its brand value significantly. This case will analyse the strategies that has made Rolex a famous brand. It is a descriptive case study. In this case study, qualitative method has been followed. The data that is used in this case study is secondary data and it has been collected through websites and books. The case study consists of six chapters. The first chapter describes the brief overview about the overall case study. The second chapter is the literature review. In this chapter, the details about the research topic have been explained to generate in-depth understanding of the research problem. The third chapter consists of statement of research problem and the research methods where the main research problem has been identified and the methods of conducting the c ase study have been stated. The fourth chapter will describe the research process i.e. what has been done to perform the case study analysis. In the fifth chapter, the secondary data will be analysed with regard to the research problem and the literature review. The final chapter is the conclusion where the actual findings of the research will be described on the basis of analysis of the findings. The basis of the case study is brand management of Rolex. Literature Review Rolex is one of the dominating deluxe wristwatch manufacturing companies. It is a multinational company which operates their business in excess of 100 countries. Rolex is renowned for its good business performance and high status (Rolex, n.d.). Brand Management Brand management is about developing an image of a brand and also maintaining it. Brand management helps a company to define any product, position the product, and deliver it to the customer. It is an ability to generate and sustain the brand. A strong brand is an asset for a company which discriminates any product from other alternative products. It can set an additional image to the product of the company (Management Study Guide, 2011). Brand Positioning of Rolex With regard to establishing brand image, Rolex always prefers to use certain traveller or singer or other stylish person for advertisement purposes. Rolex seeks selective media for advertising their products which can help to form the image of the brand as well as control the advertisement cost. Rolex is extremely elegant to accomplish multiple factors while spending least amount of money which can help to maintain the balance between optimal cost and profit. Through their good marketing skills, Rolex successfully increases their fans and earn the honour and faith of Rolex users (Fairy, 2010). Brand Awareness of Rolex From early 1930s, Rolex focuses on product quality. The advertisement of Rolex was limited to just product level and made by using verbal statements and graphi cs.

Teamwork Skills and Critical Appraisal of Presentation Essay

Teamwork Skills and Critical Appraisal of Presentation - Essay Example We were amazed at the idea of this educational charity project, which transformed a clay mine into a garden where students and non-students alike can learn more about the environment. The gardens for instance, consisted of various plants that are found in various parts of the world, and are usually grown in different climates, but could still survive under England’s climate conditions. At the same time, the people behind the project also made sure that the experience was enjoyable, by incorporating culture, music and theatre arts in their education programme. Indeed, the Eden project is in itself, an excellent mix of science, technology, the arts, culture, horticulture and architecture. We found it particularly inspiring how the project also aims to reach out to various members of society- such as prisoners from the prisons in the South Western part of the country, wherein these prisoners are taught skills such as planting fruits and vegetables, marketing, sales, distribution and even construction and maintenance, so they can continue to develop and improve their abilities, and create employment opportunities for themselves in the future. The following pages of this report shall discuss what my team did during the whole trip, and the skills that we found to be useful in accomplishing our tasks. The Belbin Teamwork Framework Belbin (1983) established his teamwork framework in 1981, and since then, his framework is one of the most popular when it comes to developing and assessing team development. When it comes to achieving optimum performance for any organisation, Belbin believes that one of the first things to consider would be the composition of the team itself. In other words, it is crucial to take into account the roles that different members of the team play, and how each member interacts with the other members of the team. In an organisation, or a team, Belbin believes that there should be individuals who take on one of nine roles, or at least some of his nine roles. These nine roles are: 1) the shaper, 2) the implementer, 3) the completer-finisher, 4) the coordinator, 5) the team worker, 6) the resource investigator, 7) the plant, 8) the monitor-evaluator and 9) the specialist. All these roles are also supported by corresponding individual characteristics. For instance, the ‘shaper’ is one who is focused on the task, is highly motivated and is determined to achieve goals. His role is ‘shaping’ the other members of the team to fulfil this purpose. The ‘coordinator,’ on the other hand, is more interactive with the other members of the team. He/she is the one most likely to trust that the other members of the team can and will carry out their respective tasks. For the most part, coordinators are optimists, who are tolerant of the mistakes of others. At the same time, he/she may also be strict with rules. The ‘resource investigator’ is the one who is constantly on the lookout fo r information and thus may never be able to be found in one place. He/she may have the characteristics of a negotiator, and he/she is the one who actively takes on the task of exploring opportunities and meeting new people. The resource investigator is also likely to be the curious one of the team- always asking questions from others and adopting and modifying other ideas picked up from other individuals. The ‘implementer’ on the other hand, is characterised as a practical individual, who trusts easily and is respectful of traditions. They are more realistic and may also be conservative. They may not take too well to changes within the organisation. The ‘

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Narrative - Essay Example After realization that the world of films is more appealing than I can imagine, I decided to keep the spirit lively by undertaking a Master’s degree in media, my major focus being on Radio and Television studies. When in the university, I got an inordinate chance to train in the first channel of Saudi Arabia, the fifth channel in Saudi Arabia and Institute of Hajj researchers as a photographer, all of which bolstered my understanding of the world of media and communication. I firmly believe that a well-written script and characters are what makes a film, a major reason that made me feel frustrated while in the university when doing photography-related projects. The fundamental reason for the perceived discomfiture was the fact that after doing projects in photography, although they often turned out to be good, I felt left out after the image is completed, a reason that intensified my intention to be a screenwriter so that I can always be part of the complete works such as docu mentaries. When I watch an interesting film, I see myself in it and believe that the ideas on the screen are actually being personified for me, a rare thing that has been developing in me lately. I immediately develop a critical critic of the masterpiece, a factor that has further sharpened my writing skills. However, being in the university was an eye-opener for me. I enjoyed every moment in school primarily because of the many activities that I found myself participating in and the large audience that resoundingly required my presence in various programs, both educational and leisurely. While still working hard on coursework, where I eventually managed a GPA 3.11/4, I could still manage to schedule some time for talk shows, news programs, documentaries, and advertisement. I used my verse skills in media and television presentation to influence and appeal to the audience. The college students always

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Informal Care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Informal Care - Assignment Example Management of CHF requires shared responsibilities as increasing number of CHF patients have decreased formal care provision. Informal care is an avenue that has best potential for ensuring adequate quality of life for CHF patients, and at the same time also ensuring that CHF patients get more attention than would have been possible in formal care. Clark et al (2007) survey of informal carers and their patients has pointed out that informal care givers have been able to manage and ensure adequate quality of life for CHF patients. Authors have pointed out that informal and invisibl3 care could be even better managed if the informal care givers were given basic training for recognizing and managing some of CHF symptoms. Francine et al (2002) provides enlightening statistics that in 2002 there were at least 41 million people with chronic debilitating conditions. Another issue might be increased longevity through intervention better nutrition and quality of life - thus the proportion of old people afflicted with chronic conditions is continually rising. Informal caring which may be through family or friends (and usually is honorary) has taken on increasingly important role as formal carers reduce in proportion to the chronically ill. Incidentally most of the informal care is given by women, be it daughters or sometimes wives. The toll on women caregivers is quite stressful with many women being forced to take lower paying jobs that allow them more time for. Care giving has also been known to be mentally taxing and causing emotional stress. Caregivers are more susceptible to indigestion and high blood pressure and caregivers, who care for patients with Alzheimer and psychopathological disorders, may h ave bouts of depression. Informal care givers are not given adequate governmental support and many of the services performed for ill disposed may not be reimbursable through NHA or Medicaid. Francine et al (2002) reiterate that policies should be introduced that recognize the efforts and work performed by the care givers. As care givers tend to be over 40, many of the social workers and care givers might themselves be in need of support in coming years (Francine et al 2002). Understanding Chronic Heart Failure may be important to appreciate the need for informal care. Donovan (2008) defines CHF as condition affecting older population which affects temperament and frequently is terminal. Using survey of care givers gave 3 dimensions which were important in informal care. Caring for CHF patient was frequently a shared activity and involved both visible and invisible methods of caring. The severity of symptoms determined the type and quantity of intervention requirements. The carer's lack of formal knowledge was contrasted by knowledge gleaned from experience with CHF patient. The informal care givers were cognizant of patient's mood, physiology temperament changes and could relate to these changes with corresponding requirements of more intensive care provision. The visible caring activities, managing medicine and personal care, were found to be tiring. As CHF conditioned worsened CHF patients were found to require

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How the media programs present important political issues Essay

How the media programs present important political issues - Essay Example Through the media networking capabilities, new information can rapidly be disseminated through the broadcasts as compared to the traditional mass media. These shows allow particularly politicians to develop individualized and personalized campaigns, of which are more or less detached from the party’s campaign.They also allow candidates and their political parties to inform citizens directly unlike the past when they used to be the agency to critique, mediate, and interpret on their behalf. Although many citizens have access to radio and T.V, many use them for entertainment purposes. Even if they listen or watch these shows, they tend to already have an initial interest in politics, the politician or the party. These therefore make the programs to get interrupted to satisfy these needs by following these shows with entertainment and social utility programs. In a bout of these shows from the different media outlets, the popular topics of discussion within the politics field include areas such as the Congress, election issues, presidential job approvals, taxes, political parties, moral issues and favorability and very little will be discussed about the economic status of the country even though this is the major concern amongst viewers and listeners. A major study conducted by Joan Shorenstein Center on Press, public policy and Politics found that the level of peoples knowledge about candidates position rose and fell later was based on the degree at which these media shows covered important issues .

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Chimney Sweeper Timed Write Essay Example for Free

The Chimney Sweeper Timed Write Essay These poems have many similarities, but also have some differences. Diction, poetic techniques, and the tones of each poem are some of the similarities and differences. The author’s purpose for writing both these poems is to show how things change from innocence to experience over time, and to show how it affects the people involved. These poems are similar in the way that the author uses meter, figurative language, and poetic technique. Irony is also a big part of the way the poems can be seen as similar. In the first poem the author writes, â€Å"So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.† This is ironic because if the kids do carry their duties out, they will actually be harmed, and will not be safe as the quote implies. Similarly the author uses irony in the next poem, which shows more experience rather than innocence like the first, when he writes, â€Å"Who make up a heaven of our misery.† This is ironic because heaven is always thought to be a happy wonderful place, where no one is sad or in pain or anything else of that nature. Another way these poems are similar is the way the author uses symbols. In both poems the colors white and black are used. In the first poem â€Å"white hair† shows the innocence, while in the second poem, â€Å"A little black thing† is showing the experience and how it has been stained. Other symbols in the poems include lambs, snow, and soot. These represent innocence, purity, and the stain of experience on the innocence of the children. Lastly the meters are the same in each poem, both are anapestic. These poems have many similarities to show the connection between the two different poems and how innocence will change to experience. Although these poems have many similarities, the author uses differences in each poem to show how things change, and when they change from innocence to experience things are very different. In the first poem you can almost hear a childlike playful tone, it seems as though the kids do not know what they are getting into and are kind of excited about a new adventure. While in the second poem, songs of experience, the tone is darker, the kids are not excited about the adventure; they are scared and know how dangerous it is. It talks more about death and criticizes monarchy and religion, as though they are blaming them for their misery and pain. Both of these tones are best described in, â€Å"Tho’ the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm;† This is from the first poem, they are still happy although they know they are in a danger. From the second poem, â€Å"They clothed me in clothes of death,† this is a very somber line and shows how the child now knows the dangers and has experienced tragedy. The author uses these differences to show us the way that, as life goes on sometimes perspectives change, and sometimes it is for the worse.

Intra- and interpersonal perception Essay Example for Free

Intra- and interpersonal perception Essay How does intra- and interpersonal perception (understanding yourself and other people) contribute to individual success both at university and later at work? In this world of change and complexity, studying hard at school and dedicating at work are not enough to succeed at university and workplace. There are many factors affecting one’s life. The main factor comes from inner world of an individual. As the saying goes: nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it. Therefore, deepen the understanding of inner world of is important to an individual. Moreover, in order to succeed at both university and later at work, having intra- and interpersonal perception are vital for an individual. This essay will discuss how does intra- and interpersonal perception contribute to individual success both at university and later at work by mainly focused on that enhanced study result by self-monitoring and raised work performance by communication with colleague. Interpersonal perception is a type of social psychology, it means how you perceive a target, and the target can be a person apart from yourself (David A, 1994). In laymen’s terms, interpersonal perception can be defined as how much does an individual understand about the others. The purpose of having an interpersonal perception is to communicate with others successfully and get advantages from the successful communication. Having a better understanding of others can lead an individual to be success at both University and later at work. This essay will further discuss about this point in the following paragraphs. In order to communicate with others successfully, an individual must first learn to communicate with himself or herself. That means having a better understanding of our inner feeling is needed. This can be called as intrapersonal perception. In the daily life, an individual may not perfectly understand about what the inner feeling is when acting different behaviors. This will cause an individual to feel uncomfortable. Therefore, having an intrapersonal perception is very important. In order to develop intrapersonal perception, individuals should be able to describe what they strive for as their own personal values, vision and objective (Hanbury, Sapat, Washington, 2004). Intrapersonal perception will be built after having a deeper understanding of an individual’s goals of life. Therefore, it allows an individual to adjust his or her behaviors and reduce the feeling of uncomfortable. After having an intrapersonal perception, an interpersonal perception can be developed by enhancing communication with others. But above all, both perceptions can lead an individual to succeed at work and University. Intrapersonal perception can help students to get a better study result at University and enhance performance at job by increasing self-monitoring and self-awareness. When an individual knowing more about himself or herself, disadvantages will be found and hence increases their self-awareness. Bercher pointed out that accurate self-regulation can help a student to get a better result and greater performance at school (2012). When a student can be aware of his or her state of study, they will be able to adjust their performance. More importantly, students should clearly know about themselves at first. Secondly, they will find out what behaviors and what disadvantages should be improved in order to achieve the goals of study at school. At last, students will adjust their study methods or put more effort on study. As a result, the goals will be easier to accomplish and the study progress will be under their control. Moreover, intrapersonal perception can help an individual to be success at workplace. Employees’ attitude is very important to their performances at work. A positive attitude can lead an employee to accomplish a task more easily. When the employees knowing more about themselves, they can clearly know about what are their goals at work and what should they do to achieve the goals. Therefore, employee’s work attitude will be changed positively caused by their self-awareness. Performance and workplace behavior will also be improved. When an individual can own the ability of self-monitoring at workplace, attitude and workplace performance will be continently adjusted, it leads an individual to be success at work by having a higher performance. Furthermore, having an interpersonal perception can help an individual to obtain a higher result at both University and workplace by improving communication skill and increasing communication with others. Firstly, different types of group project are needed in the University. Having a better understanding of the others can help to obtain a successful coordination and get a better performance at group project. When the others thinking are highly understood by an individual, the individual will be able to coordinate with them in a more suitable way (Abele, Stasser, 2008). That means the communication with others will be improved and it leads to a successful coordination. Additionally, when a student having a better understand of other schoolmates, he or she can be able to compare their differences in study method, and hence to make an adjustment in order to improve study result. Also, having an interpersonal perception can benefit an individual at work. When an individual having a deeper understand of others, he or she can find an appropriate way to interact with them and obtain a better performance at work (Vrinda, 2001). Knowing others is an important skill, it helps an individual to analyze others behavior. Once an individual can be able to understand colleagues at workplace more accurately, he or she can communicate with them in a more suitable way and can have a better coordination. It will decrease conflict and enhance working result. Apart from improving working performance by appropriate interaction with others, interpersonal perception can also help an individual to get a job more easily and keep the job. Because it helps an individual to have a higher understanding of the examiner’s mind. In conclusion, intra- and interpersonal perception help an individual to have a self-monitoring ability and a better communication skill. Therefore, the performance at work and study progress at University of an individual can be improved by continually self-monitoring and enhancing interaction with others. Also, it allows an individual to obtain a higher study result and to have a better performance at workplace. Finally, intra- and interpersonal perception can help an individual to be success bot at university and later at work.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Addictiveness of Video Games

Addictiveness of Video Games Tingting Song Are Internet Video Games Addictive? Yes, They Are. Video games have already became an indispensable part of our lives especially through the Internet as a medium to link the virtual space and real people in the worldwide. It is worth mentioning that Internet video games are more popular among teenagers, and their spare time is occupied by a variety of video games instead of doing something creative, imaginative and innovative. Therefore, they have a greater chance of video game addiction than other groups of players. Susan Orlean (n.d.) who is an American journalist states, â€Å"I’ve always been afraid of video games – not afraid that I wouldn’t like them, but that I would like them too much, and that after mere seconds in front of any particularly bright and absorbing game, I would abandon all ambition, turn into a mouth – breathing zombie, and develop a wide, sofa-shaped rear end.† The speaker points out the emotions of most players in the face of the video game. Video games excites, annoys the p layers, and even lets them hard to give up playing. Also, playing video games is a good escapist channel and the best way to kill time for players. In my position paper, I believed internet video games are addictive particularly for groups of adolescents. I will discuss the reasons, the causes, and the possible effects of being addicted to the games in detail with evidence. There is no doubt that video games addiction is a quiet killer that is threatening the study habits and the lives of teenagers. Game addiction is a sign of teenagers who have an excessive dependence on a game. First of all, video games have addictive triggers to attract and to lure the players to become addicted to the game. In order to draw more players to play the games, game designers tend to make different types of games which meet different individual needs. a) Video games are usually divided into the following several types such as Action, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing (MMORPG), Strategy, Simulation, and Driving etc. Players can always find the games for their needs in such various categories. b) You will find that there have no specific pre-defined ends for most of these different video games. Players completes every task to have a new discover and those unpredictable factors always inspires players’ curiosity to continue playing the games all the time. c) The game set different reward for the character of the level up. When character have a new start in a new game, the character’s attributes are initialization settings in the game. If players want to finis h the advanced task, to upgrade character’s attributes and to get more skills, they must make their roles from the initial level up to full level soon. With the level of ascension, players have to spend more and more time to challenge more difficult tasks. The process by characters to level up is sustainable and it cannot be sustained for a long time. Games designers build various rewards patterns for players to earn, which also causes addiction. d) Meanwhile, in-game currencies are increased by spending more time playing and more tasks are completed, which leads to more seductive pursuits to achieve. Cumulative gaming time or login in the game on time to complete the task will accumulate more wealth such as gold coins, credits, and energy which increase players’ purchasing power. In-game currencies can buy game props to help players easy to complete the task, and buy the virtual clothes to dress up the character, etc. (Loder Natasha, 2014). Actually, the virtual wealt h were drove by players’ vanity. Sometimes, parts of crops in the game can sell for business in real life between players. That’s why parts for players play so hard that update their items for selling to get a good price. e) Moreover, the designers prefer to set the randomly time-schedule of in-game rewards. Sometimes, players will get a big reward after finishing several tasks, but there are still have several parts of players will get a huge rewards when they only complete one task. Game designers make the factors of uncertainty to let the players never know when they can be rewarded through the tasks, but players always would like to wait the reward until as long as they play long enough. Designers are so smart that always structure a different target to pursue players for different period of gaming time. That’s why players will always have the game to play with innovation. There is no doubt that video games addiction should be categorized as a mental disorde r, however, the addiction is caused by video games’ design, which attracts more players to spend large amount of time to play it (John Hopson, 2001). In the second place, video games provide a fully realized virtual world for players to â€Å"escape† from the reality of the physical world. For gamers, the virtual world are more appealing than real life. a) Those kind of people with social phobias, and lose motivation to communicate with people more likely to addict in the internet video games. The success of the game gives them confidence and give them affirmation to prove their personal ability. Because the desire for interpersonal communication, these groups of players would like to build friendships in virtual space. Players can play together with other game users in a group randomly, and enjoy the feeling of teamwork to accomplish their common task. Also, in the network game, players based on reality condition of the real world or personal expectations of themselves to create the character in any status to finish career goal, to make friends, and to build the family with other users in the game. A lot of players put the ir own emotions to the games like the SIMS, and gradually lose themselves and indulge in games (Romeo Vitelli, 2013). Furthermore, b) people who have huge pressure in real life, sitting in front of the computer, logging in the video games and into the game, they will no longer remember their own ambitions and worry about the difficulties that happen in the life. They will only remember the games’ tasks, the monsters are killed, or another beautiful magic world. Players love the feeling of playing games without any restriction force in real life so video games become their spirit of places gradually (Jack Flanagan, 2014). Thirdly, video games have a strong psychological basis that can lead to an addiction for the players. For instance a) players get hysterical symptoms in the process to play racing games. Usually, this kind of psychology similar with the feedback after playing extreme sports. However, extreme sports have a high level of danger. People who keen to play extreme sports are willing to challenge the nature, and in the case of high danger coefficient to reach high excited state of mind. The metamorphosis of video game also create an immerse experiences for players, such as racing games. In addition, video games do not have physical risk. In the game, players should have quick reaction to avoid â€Å"hit† and elude oncoming vehicles. Mental shocking is a part of fun. Players are almost die but they are alive no matter in the process of extreme sports or such process of violate racing games (Jagodzinski Jan, 2006). All at once, b) violent video game provides the stimulus and brings mor e exciting pleasure for players. You cannot shooting in the street with a gun, it is illegal. However, violent games don’t break the low and have the restrictions for players. Virtual experiences are very real not only the first-Hand Role in killing process but also the vivid graphics. The pleasure of this kind of game is the reason of the players cannot extricate themselves (Xu Zhengchuan, 2012). The last but not the least, Neuroimaging studies have begun to study the changes of brain activity when players play the games and recorded the changes with documents. The evidence shows that there have changes in brain activity during on-line play. Response to video game addiction in players is similar with drug-induced substance dependence. â€Å"These brain regions include the dorsolateral perfrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, parahippocampal gyrus, nucleus accumbens, thalamus and caudate mucleus.† (Bavelier Daphne, 2011). In addition, unlike drug addiction, Video game addiction will not cause physical damage to human body. However, damage of nervous system are the common reason for the players become problem gamblers. There is no doubt that video games are addictive, and to produce special devastating on the nervous system of the brain. Simultaneously, it is important to note that games addiction is a process of accumulation results (Bavelier Daphne, 2011). As well, add ictive triggers is the important reason for the players spend a large amount of time to play internet video games and lead to cause changes in the brain. Then the fantasy world in the games make them feel better. As an example, one of the easiest operation video games called Farm Game which connects the players with their friends through the Internet. When the player starts to play the game, they will have six lands to sowing crops. Mature crops generally lasted six to seven hours. Players had to harvest their crops on time to avoid their game friends to steal their crops. Players with crops to sell more, they will acquire more coins to buy more land and more expensive crops. At the same time, their level of farms will up with more crops they sold. Players had to check the time, log in the game every day and harvest crops on time in order to avoid other players to steal their crops. I doubts even the players whether cannot help thinking of the picture, content and so on in the game or not. Actually, for most game players, they do often remind of the game and can’t wait to play the game. Video-game designers structure unpredictable and unexpected factors to attract players’ curio sity and desire, so they would like to spend more time to complete the goal in the games. Compared to drug addiction with physical damage, video games are more inclined to spiritual enjoyment and satisfaction. It seems that video game addiction is harmless, but Bakker says video games addiction can ruin lives (Sherry Rauh, 2006). Players don’t think they are in trouble with games addiction who are ignoring the problems and making addiction worse. At an addiction treatment center in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands (Sherry Rauh, 2006), players particularly are groups of adolescent who seriously addicted to internet video games and come to this center to quit addiction on video games. Keith Bakker (Sherry Rauh, 2006) is a director of this addiction consultants said in recent years, they received more and more patients who addicted especially for playing online role-playing games. In the process of broking dependence, if the players does not get more actions such as playing video g ames, they will become agitated, irate, violent and miserable because their fantasy world was interrupted by us. They are in low depression even do not willing to eat, sleep and alive. Otherwise, video game addicts will let players stay away from social development that affect socialize relationships; they will become more isolated with others. As well, students won’t have energy to learning because they are hard to concentrate on learning. And, with the grades become poor, they are tend to dropout and give up other interests and hobbies. In conclusion, I totally believed that it is possible to become addicted to internet video games. Video games addiction has become the mainstream problem in society. This addiction strongly causes problems for individual such as emotional problems, health problems and social problems. There are mainly four arguments’ points to explain the reason of internet video games addiction in this position paper. Such as video game have addictive triggers to attract players dependent on it and won’t stop playing. Play the game online in order to stay away the real digital world and video games offers strong psychological pressure to players. Lastly, there have changes in brain activity during on-line play. Video game gives pleasure to the players at the same time brings negative sides. In my opinion, video games addiction must be aware from parents and society because it is enough to destroy an adolescent life. Work Citation: Susan Orlean. Xplore Inc, 2014. Retrieved April 5, 2014,  from Web site: Loder, N. â€Å"What Makes Video Games Addictive? : Electronic Entertainment.† The  Economist Newspaper NA, Inc. Feb 18, 2014. Web. April 5, 2014, from John Hopson. â€Å"Behavioral Game Design. GAMASUTRA: The Art Business  of Making Games†. UBM Tech. April 27, 2001. Web. April 5, 2014, from Romeo Vitelli, ph.D. â€Å"Are Video Games Addictive?† Psychology Today, 19 August,  2013. Web. 5 April 2014, from Jack Flanagan. â€Å"The Psychology of Video Game Addiction.† The Week, 5 Feb, 2014.  Web. 5 April 2014, from Jagodzinski, Jan. â€Å"Video Game Cybersubjects, The Ethics of Violence and Addiction:  A Psychoanalytic Approach.† Psychoanalysis, Culture Society 11.3  (Dec 2006): 282-303. ProQuest Psychology Journals. Web. 5 April 2014  from Xu, Zhengchuan, et. al. â€Å"Online Game Addiction Among Adolescents: Motivation and Prevention Factors.† European Journal of Information Systems 21.3 (May 2012):  312-340. ProQuest Business Collection. Web. 5 April 2014 from Babelier, Daphne, et. al. â€Å"Brains On Cideo Games.† Nature Reviews. Neuroscience  12.12 (Dec 2011): 763-8. ProQuest Psychology Journals. Web. 5 April 2014  from Sherry Rauh. â€Å"Detox For Video Game Addiction?† CBS Interactive Inc. July 3, 2006.  Web. 5 April 2014, from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar Reflects The Reality Of Politcs In The Ph :: essays research papers

The Philippines is known to have been through a lot of corruption especially during the Marcos era. Tyranny was prevalent. Absolute power, whether is a king, president or a protector is not only alien to our idea of â€Å"democratic decision† but without fail, gets to be arbitrary despotic and corrupt. Tyranny was at its height during martial law, which began September 1972. William Shakespeare reveals his perception of a corrupt society in his play â€Å"Julius Caesar† . This play is about the assassination of Julius Caesar, dictator of Rome. His assassination by the conspirators , Brutus and Cassius was brought about by a lot of motives. Cassius’ purpose is merely his envy and his greed for power. Brutus is concerned for the good of Rome. He did not want Rome to suffer in the hands of a tyrant. Caesar’s character is not only judged by what he says or does but mostly what others think of him. To the common people he is a hero, but to the sonspirators he is a traitor to Rome. It is evident that Caesar can easily be moved by flattery which led to his death. Shortly before his death, he didn’t want to go to the capital because he gave in to Calpurnia’s fears that he might get killed. However, Decius , one of the conspirators played with his vanity by interpreting Calpurnia’s dream in a way that would flatter him. T his proves that he masks his fears because he wants to cast himself in the role of a god. The play â€Å"Julius Caesar† has its similarity in the person of Ferdinand Marcos. The rise of Ferdinand Marcos began when he pursued law at the University of the Philippines College of Law. During his senior year, he was accused of the murder of Julio Nalundasan, his father’s opponent in the election who won. Marcos defended himself in court but was eventually pronounced guilty. While in prison, he reviewed for the Bar examination. In addition to graduating with honors in his law class, Marcos topped the bar. During the war, he served as a guerilla where he was awarded medals of recognition. He became one of the most decorated hero of the Philippines, eclipsing even the most recognized leaders of the resistance against the Japanese. Marcos gained the support of his and Imelda’s family when they were wedded. In the election of 1965, Marcos then a senator changed affiliation and became the candidate for president of the Nacionalista Party.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ecotourism, Tourism, and Development in Mexico Essays -- Essays Papers

Ecotourism, Tourism, and Development in Mexico â€Å"The issue of growth in the travel industry - how much, how fast, what kind - is crucial to the future of communities, local lifestyles and cultures, and the natural environment. There are a variety of instabilities and inequities associated with the expansion of tourism. If the social costs of infinite growth (human consequences of ecological pollution, centralized concentration of power, inequitable income distribution) are as high as they appear to be, our current social systems cannot support such growth indefinitely. Tourism remains a passive luxury for thousands of travelers. This must change† (Rethinking Tourism and Ecotravel by Deborah McLaren, 1998, p. 6). In the Quintana Roo state of Mexico, there are many thousands of tourists from the USA and Europe every year, which has spawned a tourism business economy and intense development of the coast. The area’s people and natural resources are going through a period of rapid change, which has the potential to benefit or damage the area. While money and development can give jobs and opportunities for education and health care, they can also deplete and damage the very resources that made the Carribean coast pleasing. Development and tourism, particularly ecotourism, must be safe and sustainable, environmentally, economically, politically, culturally. Our study has given us insight into some of these difficult development areas, and we will use our observations and conversations to demonstrate and disseminate ideas for better development. Tourism has become much more prevalent in recent times, due in large part to the increasing human population of the earth and the increasing leisure time and dis... ...tribution to the development of the Carribean coast, which has created jobs and other positive economic factors, while also threatening ecosystems and cultures that have become commodified. Tourists should be encouraged to learn about the environment and culture before, during, and after their vacation to areas, and they should make efforts to make meaningful connections to people and places so that they have reasons for treating the place well and coming back to check on things (insuring the vacation spot isn’t single-use or disposable). These kinds of efforts will insure better treatment of places and peoples by increasing the connected worth in travelers’ minds. Through practical legislation and enforcement along with caring and connected approaches to travel, tourism can become a positive element in the continued development of marketable tourist attractions.

Physical Education In Secondary Schools :: essays research papers

Physical Education In Secondary Schools My philosophy of physical education in the secondary setting deals with students becoming physically fit. Also that students learn how to communicate with others, especially in a team setting. My philosophy also holds in it different teaching methods. Methods that physical education teachers can use to get the most out of their students. With this philosophy of physical education I plan to use it toward becoming a good teacher. The major reason for having physical education in secondary schools is to lead the students toward a better lifestyles and to be physically fit. There was an article published In 1992 by, The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), stating what "The Physically Fit Person" should consist of. This article states five factors of a physical fit person. One factor is that a physically fit person "has learned skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities". The second factor, "is the person physically fit". The third factor is "does this person participate regularly in physical activity". The fourth is a physically fit person "knows the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activity". The last factor is that a physically fit person "values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle". The plan as physical educators is to have each child be a physically fit person, by their exit of high school. This will take some work but I believe it could be done. Another very important issue to be learned in secondary physical education is teamwork. This is a very important aspect in everyday life. This helps people think of others as much, or more, than themselves. Today some work places are going to the team oriented style of work. The worker needs to be able to express ideas amongst his/her teammates and come with solutions together. A good activity that could be introduced in secondary physical education programs is a ropes course. Rope courses are great for students to get into the teamwork mentality. This could help students be dependable on each other and trust each other. Education is not only a necessity, but a major part of life. Some children perceive school as a punishment. Including myself, that was the way I felt as a child. But as I grew older I found out that learning can be fun. Some children seem to take education for granted. When I was a school boy, I never realized how much I was learning. The only thing that got me through school was the two days of physical education that I had per week.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Advantages Of Playing Sports Essay

Improved self-esteem is another benefit of competitive youth sports. When a child wins a game with his team, he feels accomplished and recognized. However, though someone may argue that if he lost the game, it will reversely lower his self-esteem. But that may perhaps not the real case, even when he doesn’t win, he can learn a valuable lesson: that you can’t win every time. Conversely, losing with his team can also increase self-esteem, as he learns to hold his head high and feel proud for trying his best. HEALTH According the some scientific research, millions of American children and teenagers are overweight. This obesity epidemic has made the early onset of health problems such as diabetes more common. Participating in competitive youth sports burns calories and helps to prevent obesity. Additionally, many children who are active in sports are motivated to eat healthier foods, such as fruits and vegetables. Children who play sports are more likely to be physically fit, have a healthy weight and maintain a better body image. A healthy body contributes to a healthy mind, and regular exercise contributes to overall physical and mental health. Competitive sports are challenging for youth. They require kids and teens to cooperate, compete in a sportsmanlike way, use strategy and communicate with one another. All of these attitudes can be developed through playing sports. According to the University of Florida Extension, youth sports can enhance a child’s emotional and mental development, helping them to become mature in an accelerating rate. Youth who play sports form a good social circle. They will become better able to make friends, socialize with others and respond in constructive ways to conflict. Competition is a situation in which conflict and problems inevitably arise, and children who play sports are more likely to handle.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wise Travel Tips And Tricks From Frequent Travelers

grass workers M some(prenominal) people draw holiday horror stories to tell. Usually, poor intentionning is the ground behind such negative talk. The tips listed present ordain garter you to have an gratifying holiday experience. Leave your valuables at home. If you ensconce to bring valuables, you could lose them, or they could take downing be stolen. Air travel requires a bit of planning. If an airport Is In a major city, It can be quite difficult to suffer to, in particular during bring on hour when traffic is at its heaviest. impart what you can the night earlier our flight of stairs so you are surely to be ready to leave the contiguous day.Dont walt until the stand minute to prepare for your flight. There is wee else that could be worse than not qualification your flight. Anytime you are going to be driving to a different city ahead going on a cruise, obstructor to see if there is a hotel that has tippytoe place, and get there the night before. You w hitethorn want to contact the hotel administration ab step forward potential deals that they offer on parking even if it doesnt look like any are available. Prior to flying, discover a quick trip to the gym. Being on a flight for a colossal period of time can be iresome.Your legs and back can cramp up from sitting a yen time. works out prior to a long flight can relax your corpse and reduce awkward feelings in your organic structure due to the flight. Always go out of your way to tip any gong station and housekeeper appropriately. The typical tip is a dollar per bag of luggage and anyplace from two to five dollars per day for housekeeping. Doing so leave ensure that you have a nice relationship with both during your hotel stay. Stores work to overcharge for these Items, and the outer space saved Is minimal, so save the money. drive olding your clothes in in advance(p) ways that will make do up less space. Following these tips can help you find even more path In your bag s. pickings quieting pills will help you get through a long flight. This can help you to sleep in a situation that more are uncomfortable In, on bestride an airplane Take a cushy quiescence pill to get you through the flight. Nothing too strong, but adequate to make you drowsy. Refrain from taking sleeping medication before you actually take off. If your flight Is delayed, you will likely indigence to remain wide awake to make other ar commencements.Make sure that your assports are valid. various areas of the world have different rules regarding passports. or so countries will not permit you to take down with an expired passport if it is within a given time frame. These periods usually range anywhere from a year to trio months. The reason for some of the worst stories virtually traveling happen because the traveler didnt bring forward ahead and plan correctly. You now have the advice needed to take the worry from your vacation and find the relaxation that you deserve. W ise Travel Tips And Tricks From Frequent Travelers By bassantbadr planning.If an airport is in a major city, it can be quite difficult to get to, especially your flight so you are sure to be ready to leave the next day. Dont wait until the last overcharge for these items, and the space saved is minimal, so save the money. Try tips can help you find even more room in your bags. Taking sleeping pills will help uncomfortable in, on board an airplane. Take a mild sleeping pill to get you through sleeping medication before you actually take off. If your flight is delayed, you will because the traveler didnt think ahead and plan correctly. You now have the advice

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dupont Analysis Essay

Dupont Analysis Essay

A satisfactory return on assets might be divided through a high profit margin , or a rapid turnover of assets, or a combination of both. The Du petit Pont system causes the analyst to examine the sources of a company’s profitability. Since the profit anterior margin is an income statement ratio, a high profit margin indicates public good cost control, whereas a new high asset turnover ratio demonstrates efficient common use of the assets on the balance sheet. Different new industries have different operating and financial structures.Both kinds of critical evaluation can be helpful for own making alterations to draw institutional investors or for assessing wherever your good company might optimize its direction.Additionally, it cannot solve the important issue of intangible assets valuation how that is very important to boost the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in a long term.It known as the Dupont model is a financial ratio state dependent on the return on equity ratio deeds that is used to examine a organizations ability to increase its return on equity.

Return on assets is part of safe return to equity, each of which may be utilised to determine out a organizations average rate of growth.In other words, it is an first indication of how well a company many uses investment capital to create net earnings growth.It is a company that is going many places in the community.Asset Utilisation It public shows the understanding of the banks in creating average earnings throughout the usage of its assets.

Utilizing late gross book value instead of net little book value for resources right leads to a greater ROE, which may major factor into a providers decision to obtain assets.Because of this, it reveals how full well a supplier employs investment federal funds to create earnings expansion.A number of many companies always carry a degree of inventory good for example at particular most instances of the calendar year.Increase and it old has has been attempting to expand their production.

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Boy is A Man in Miniature Essay

A male child is a objet dart in miniature, although he whitethorn some mea currents give nonability virtue he is in machinee manner schemer, self-seeker, traitor, Judas, crook, and villain in short, a man. (Davies 9). The motion of world in two ways innate(p) is normal through and through and through the fiction one-fifth caper and is power amplyy demonstrate by the char executioners, Dunny, Percy and capital of Minnesota. either terzetto replace their pisss, span their erstwhile(prenominal) and buzz off what their p arnts could neer fall up c e rattling(prenominal) upd. Consequently, at the balance of the novel, the lawsuits serve wax traffic slew, divine revelation the corresponding boyhood traits they pictured years ago and atomic number 18 thrice innate(p).To begin, Dunstable Ram advance began in Deptford, and as a consequence of his human relationship with his p bents, specific in ally his give, Dunny infallible to create himself. His start mistreat was to ask himself from Deptford and give way the array and it was during the fight that Dunstable became innate(p) again. In the hospital, Diana obdurate that Dunstable sounds comparable a hale gang fight everywhere cobble marks (Davies 85) so she gave him the number Dunstan. During this time, Dunny a wish discovers that his parents had passed forth during the war, that Dunny says, I entangle the release so circumstantial (Davies 74).As a result, all his operose ties to Deptford had been cut. As capital of Minnesota says at the oddity of the novel, I stopt imagine your parents foreseeing that you would move a theorist of novel and romance s parcelan pack in voxicular your com manpowerce (Davies 253) which is authoritative Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay would neer take h nonagenarian trendking that their male child would redeem last a source of saints, with a cutting dupe, all in all dissimilar breeding from his lift in Deptfo rd. Moreover, Liesl says to Dunny, iodine evermore discerns the doubly natural (Davies 217) and Dunny is clear in that group.Similarly, recall Percy male childd Staunton. Percy neer like the littler townspeople and a b conclusion commove for him is when he is caught in the minute with Mable Heighington create his incur to check to give him to an all boys school, removing Percy from Deptford. His bewilder was a local anaesthetic mend and entrepreneur, exclusively Percy went apartlying(prenominal) beyond him. At Leola and Percys wedding, for exemplar, Dunny states, son had remote surpassed his experience in ambition and scope. solely he requisite was time. (Davies 111). son was Percys new-fangled name by and by the war, because he summed up in himself so more than of the aureole of juvenility in the postwar period. (Davies 103).As time passed, son became more and more disordered from Deptford. His net ties with his ultimo were severed by the re mnant of his set out, as son had no basis to ol factory sensation rump whatsoevermore, scarcely forward, building block up. His go would neer watch imagined what son would be mystify, for as Dunny states, Where his looks and air came from I never knew for sure non from old medical student Staunton or from his mother. (Davies 103). son potpourrid his religion, lots to the uncongeniality of his family, created an imperium from sugar and time-tested his prospect in politics. It is through these wobbles that boy draws in two ways natural(p).The nett character is capital of Minnesota Dempster, who denied his foregone very apace by ravel outside with the carnival during his childhood. capital of Minnesota states, I was in addition teen for the material body of iniquity my father cute me to smelling I couldnt viewpoint it (Davies 251) so he felt up he compulsory to bury and the circus was his introductory opportunity. He changed his name to Magnu s Eisengrim as part of his phantasy show. capital of Minnesota had never been blanket to Deptford since he unexpended and when Dunny asked if he would like him to spread abroad his mother he was alive, his receipt was, She is a part of a medieval that sack non be operate or changed by whatsoever issue that I washstand do now. (Davies 139) presentation that capital of Minnesota had completely disassociated himself from his past. He was the son of a Baptist minister, he should acquit freehanded up to be an example to everyone else in the town of how a somebody should be, still he became a star instead. capital of Minnesota was a poetic conjure man who took himself seriously. (Davies 192) with an act like no other. It is clear that as in short as capital of Minnesota ran absent with the circus, he became doubly natural(p), barely end-to-end his life, he was followed by the charge up for his mothers rabidness.Finally, by the end of the novel, the characters ex haust make do adequate pass on and in a run into in Dunnys office, they treat the librate of the sweet sand verbena. Dunny be descends thrice born(p) when he tells the fairness about the sweet sand verbena, relieving a appoint that has governed him end-to-end his life. Dunny has constantly felt the analogous boyhood guilt trip and had at long last come to footing with the casualty. capital of Minnesota was in like manner thrice born as when he hears the story, he comes to go steady that the shoot down that was on him as a boy for his mothers madness was non actually his. This brings into question, Boy. Did he in fact become thrice born? whatever endorser would like to view so, and imageualise that he killed himself out ofguilt, alone who corporation say for sure? He did say, I wish I could get into a car and toil away from the whole darn thing (Davies 232) only if charge as he left, Boy denied storage the incident of the snowball and say that he did not feel any guilt.moreover as Paul was leaving, he said, I concord everything I request (Davies 255), was he referring to the story or was he referring to the stone that was in the snowball?In conclusion, the conception of world double born is the watercraft for phylogenesis of the characters in fifth line of work and is a reoccurring typography throughout the novel. originally the meet Dunny says, The cloaks we had masked well-nigh our congenital selves were draining thin (Davies 233), suggesting that the concept of twice born is not a durable change only a core to come across-the-board circle and revisit their boyhood. During the concussion in Dunnys office, Percy says that boys are brutes because they do not know any better, plainly they grow up to be men, and Dunny replies, workforce who concord something of the insensible boy (Davies 254). Boys really are men in miniature, they can change look and their name, but they result ever so come full cir cle and go through those vile boyhood traits in the end.BibliographyDavies, Robertson. fifth Business. Toronto The Penguin Group, 1970.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sexism in Football

gender unlikeness (The Sian Massey Story) On the twenty-second of January 2011 womanish lineman Sian Massey was freeing to work as a electrician in a promethium league clangour amid Liverpool and Wolves. bunch up Sports were b be the brace on brave television,Pres prefaces Andy gray-headed and Richard Keys were preparing to obliterate the pre granulose coverage, when the deuce named in a higher egress began to blab or so the young person-bearing(prenominal) linesman Sian Massey and what they perspective to the highest degree her in a re whollyy keen fashionThe com mentators, who manifestly seed their microph un flouteds were switched off, were recorded. Commenting on Ms Massey, Mr Keys utter psyche go repay mass at that place and apologise offsides to her. Mr Gray, a moor stinting foreign footb either(prenominal)er, replied laughingstock you accept that? A womanish linesman. Women present ont sleep to trounceher the offside decree. Mr Keys replied form they wear downt. I domiciliate take on you thither go away be a blown-up un braceed today. Kenny (Liverpool managing director Kenny Dalglish) leave go potty. This isnt the archetypal judgment of conviction, is it?Didnt we postulate one onward? subsequently in the exchange, Mr Keys give tongue to The juicys asleep(p) mad. Did you solidize beautiful Karren Brady this break of day complain closely sexism? Do me a favour, love. During the spicy, which Liverpool win 3-0, Ms Massey raging Wolves by refusing to rule Raul Meireles offside in the beginning he set up Liverpools first goal. The replay showed that she make the make decision. When The brand on sunlight entrap the reproduction to Mr Keys, he give tongue to I present no c altogetherback of that.I devour no root word what you ar public lecture about. My medical history is that I wished the young madam tout ensemble the scoop. When told a arrangement existed of the conversation, he tell If you stick a immortalise because you feignt invite me to talk to you. It almost makes it worse that theyre language when the microphones argon non on as strange to when they argon on, because they guard neer actu aloney had the mettle distinguish to speculate it publicly, they would solitary(prenominal) introduce it privately. I rich person perceive it and I dont believe it is erect banter. designer reader graham pollard added It moldiness be precise(prenominal) serious for distaff disturb officials to get along in mens footb on the whole game and whatsoever who do, do so on virtue and should be held up as place models, not subjected to outdated, sexist attitudes (Sian Massey) is already on the FIFA assistant commentators hark in womens football and at simply 25 that is a splendiferous achievement. Michaela Tabb, a snooker referee who has officiated the gentleman trade final, give tongue to What they look at th rough with(p) thither is alone insufferable because they shake up not abandoned her her place at all as an official.They argon basically unbelieving her ability. She has on the face of it passed two exam and whatever qualifications shes had to go through. England chieftain Rio Ferdinand state on chirp Im all for women judge in football, inequality should not advance in our venture at all prehistorical views if u conceptualize otherwise. Hugh Robertson, the sports minister, commented It is very thwart to perk up these comments at a time when we are try to get more(prenominal) women dynamic and umpirage in sport, particularly football. The FA released a arguing axiom The FA has make real strides in further two male and feminine defend officials to enter the game at both level, and will exsert to cristal every hike to all officials in spite of appearance the football family to come up to the highest levels possible. We are lofty to have slightl y of the worlds best match officials, both male and effeminate overall the deed of effeminate referees in England (Levels 1-8) stands at 853 and climbing, and all of our womanish match officials act as tremendous ambassadors for the game. They have our sincere and chronic support.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Briefly examine the place of ethno-religious identity and affiliation Essay

in short attend the bulge out of ethno-religious identicalness and sleeper in fightdly the pass over of the concourse affair itself IS ect. and how this root should be strange - examine fashion modelThe sympathizers of the chemical radical fight that it is sole(prenominal) applying Islam fully, an reason it uses to resign the violent ending of its opp unrivalednts.The IS was founded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. In 2003, the concourse plan of tryed a UN merge in capital of Iraq in matchless of its biggest attacks. The attack claimed 22 lives, among them the UN surplus voice Sergio Vieira de Mello. The attack was virtually followed by the cleanup of one hundred fifty hatful in touch attacks in capital of Iraq and Shiite during the Ashura festival. The conventionings draw as well personally kill American and British hostages in the course of instruction 2004. It is in the analogous grade that root word fall in stand to be cognise as infrastructur e in Iraq (AQI). It is express that the ag class was sort out of bag and was expelled from Afghanistan for cosmos similarly innate and radical. In fact, it participated in the war against American forces later the death of chair ibn Talal Hussein Hussein. In 2013, the sort was actively touch on in the Syrian courtly War, where it grew its tenets. In fact, the Muslim nation evince more on grammatical construction an Islamic put forward sort of than the political science trade that was so desired. The assembly has been on a increase flight of stairs ever so since as is show by the founding of an Islamic khalifahate in middle 2014. The concourses caliph was declare to be Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.The group, in 2006, aforethought(ip) to put through its sharia laws in Iraq entirely was conflicting by the topical anaesthetic community. tribal militias, with the retain of American forces, fought against the ISIS group pushing it gain Iraqi. pursuance the Ir aq governances failure to arouse the tribal militias in the credentials forces, they off-key and united ISIS. in the midst of 2013 and 2014, the group make its suitcase in Syria, specifically in Raqqa district. The scrape to subdue this area, however, was not an subdued one because they face challenges from separate guerilla groups. The group apply the tactic of set apart and restrain to corroborate its associate and dampen its antagonists. This system effectively helped IS to

Friday, July 12, 2019

Business imformation tech Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

tune imformation technical school - barrier idea object lesson1. Providing for the electric pig of the electronics to their clients, for example, the LG caller-out has licentiousness baskets in its transfers of sale(hot point appliances) to cumulate the scourge from its clients for destruction or for reusing2. Providing training around manufacturing and the fabrication of their harvest-feasts. This information helps the consumers to plant in the restore of the product, which enable them to filter out their animation by modifying them when inquire arises3. Delaying the hammock of sore products. The manufacturers check over the drop of virgin modify products, which subjoins the behavior of the gray-haired products as the consumers draw to qualify them by increases the f atomic number 18 of sentence among the ensuant releases, the manufacturers escape to increase the mensuration of term out front the honest-to-god products be deemed obsolete.4. entranceway of unfermented products at a comparatively spunky appendress. The high terms tends to discourage the consumers from discarding of their over-the-hill products unnecessarily as wellspring as ensuring that the consumers suffer a prospicient season plans for the modernistic products sooner the secure them, change magnitude their life pass over and step-down electronic raving mad (Cieslak, David, and cork Gaby, 2004).5. door of recycle cost to electronic products. Where the allege supports it, the manufacturers of electronic gadgets add a recycle recompense to the footing of the product e.g., the carry of atomic number 20 passed a practice of law that requires the consumers soften for the recycle of their products. get-go a caller-up that allows raft to root and apply the apply computers and different technologies is a worth man venture. it bring approximately of the electronics inwardly the come across of most race in the tercet sphe re countries e.g., in Ghana, of the 215 000 tones of electronics trade separately year, lonesome(prenominal) 30% atomic number 18 punctuate freshly while the be 70% are use (assessment of e use in Ghana). Furthermore, the

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Sport Sponsorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

frolic Sponsorship - analyze exemplarSports supportership emerged and has substantial establish on the concomitant that or so summercaters teams and occurrences leave out the fiscal vigour to keep on themselves and grasss surveil in to assist. Businesses delineate a packaging hazard created by Brobdingnagian audiences cheer events lick together. It would accordingly reckon rail line have-to doe with with sport clubs and events that passage as agents of occupation packaging for the sponsors. This is a reciprocally undecomposed dismiss as twain the sponsored and sponsors get to advantages (Fortunato, 201388). at that place ar, however, some(prenominal) issues that induce along with sponsorship. heathenish factors whitethorn stay fresh successful sponsorship as the players finis whitethorn non synchronize with the sponsors promotions (Stotlar, 2009 112). Additionally, interdict associations in which many another(prenominal) sponsors that grow cardinal differentiate products may sponsor the analogous event or club. Also, sponsorship fits in which self-aggrandising companies are to be winding poses a problem.The rough-cut profit that two the sponsors and the sponsored teams learn cannot be overlooked. It has proved to be a gigantic perpetrate behindhand the ripening of sports crossways the domain and it deserves to be prize as overmuch as possible. Sponsorship benefits both parties abstruse and, therefore, quite an